Life Events
Christian life is a journey and along the way there are certain milestones and markers which show where we are in our pilgrimage with Christ. Some of these times are times of joy, others are of sorrow and others are the times in between like when we are ill. Sometimes they are big and momentous like a baptism, wedding or a funeral.
Baptism is one of the two sacraments of the Lutheran church as commanded by Jesus. In Holy Baptism, God frees us from sin and death as we are reborn children of God. This class focuses on the rite of Holy Baptism and how it is lived out in one’s life.
Baptism Preparation is for any caregivers who wish to have their children baptized. Baptisms are performed the 2nd, 4th, and 5th (when they occur) Sundays of the month. Baptisms can also be held during Prime Time worship on Wednesday when there isn’t communion. (Not during the Lenten season.) You can register by calling the church office, 952-442-2101. You will need to set up your Realm account before you register for the baptism class, if you don’t already have one >>>
Upcoming Baptism Exploration dates:
Communion Retreat
In keeping with baptismal promises…”to bring them to the word of God and the holy supper”, Faith Lutheran partners with caregivers by offering a Communion Retreat twice a year. Our Communion Retreat is for students who have not yet completed Communion Instruction, and who feel interested and ready to learn more deeply about this sacrament.
This half-day retreat helps kids/youth and their caregivers grow in a deeper understanding of communion through fun lessons, videos and activities like baking communion bread and making small communion cups.
Children who have completed the Communion Retreat will be recognized on a Sunday or Wednesday in worship.
You can register by calling the church office, 952-442-2101 or register below. You will need to set up your Realm account before you register if you don’t already have one >>>
Upcoming Communion Retreats:
Communion Retreat
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Confirmation is the affirmation of baptism and takes place during the 9th grade year.
High School Graduation is marked with Senior Sunday. This is a time we take to recognize, honor and encourage the seniors to continue to see the support of the family of God where ever their path leads them. The Sunday Graduation Service is planned and lead by the class, who is blessed with the assurance that the Faith Family will support and pray for them in their future endeavors. The service will be May 19, 2024 at 10:30am.
At Faith we recognize that Christian weddings are worship services. Planning a wedding service and preparing for the commitments of marriage takes time. We ask that all our pre-marriage couples begin preparation months ahead of time. Contact the church office if you are a member interested in hosting your marriage at the church. A wedding packet can be picked up to answer many of your questions. If you have a date in mind, we ask for $150 deposit to hold the date.
The church shares in the grief of those who mourn the death of a loved one. Funerals are an opportunity to give voice to our sorrow, to thank God for the life of our loved one, and to entrust them into the hands of God. To arrange a funeral, please contact Pastor Adam, Pastor Katie or the church office, 952-442-2101.