Covid-19 Updates
Gathering Guidelines
COVID-19 Update – February 15, 2022
1. Following Public Health guidance, we encourage mask wearing.
2. Faith Lutheran Church will respect personal beliefs for or against the wearing of masks. All are welcome.
3. Please continue to practice good hand hygiene, and cover coughs and sneezes. If you are feeling unwell or exhibiting symptoms, please stay home.
4. For children and youth activities, we will continue to follow District 110, at this time masks are optional, but encouraged.
As we move forward together, we hold space and grace for everyone to choose what they are most comfortable with, whether that is wearing masks or not. We welcome and accept one another as beloved children of God, regardless of mask-wearing.
Faith Lutheran Church pastors, staff, and leadership ask that we don’t let masks be the issue that comes between us.
For every political and social issue, we have people from all perspectives. And yet, we’ve all agreed that the love of God for us and with us is the most important, so we worship together, we have small groups, we serve our community, and we raise our families together. Please don’t let the issue of masking be more important than everything that brought us to Faith.
You can monitor the following websites for current information: